Thursday, January 20, 2011

Conversation Magnets

I just love finding new uses for vinyl! The idea for conversation magnets just struck me today, and I had S.O.M.U.C.H.F.U.N. designing and making them!


  • 1 roll of 1" magnet tape
  • Vinyl words of your choice
  • Scrapbook paper
  • Scissors

1. Cut out vinyl words

2. Unwrap the sticker from the magnet tape, and apply the sticky side of tape to the edge of the scrapbook paper. 

I chose three different, coordinating pieces of paper just for fun :) 

3. Apply the cut words to the magnet strip

Look at that!

4. Add to fridge and oila!

I had so much fun making these and arranging them in different sayings to surprise Ben when he came home. When he did, he immediately started playing with them, too, and rearranged them all to say "I love my wife" "Susannah forever" etc. How sweet?!?!

But in the end....

I win :) 

These were so fun and E.A.S.Y. and I.N.E.X.P.E.N.S.I.V.E. to make that I sat down and made five other sets for a friend who just got married and my sisters :)

Just spreading the V-day love!


  1. I love this whole concept!!!! And you make it look so very simple to make. Thanks for the tutorial visual aid.


  2. A great idea! Thanks for sharing. I may use some of the basic words my daughter is learning to read to help her put sentences together. Too fun.

  3. This is such a fab idea, thanks for sharing

  4. Great idea, I just found out I am getting a silhouette for my birthday. This might be my first project.

  5. So much fun.. I love conversation magnets.. :)
    Thanks for linking up
